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Systematic review and meta-analysis
Oral ondansetron decreases vomiting, as well as the need for intravenous fluids and hospital admission, in children with acute gastroenteritis
  1. Deborah A Levine
  1. Department of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics, New York University School of Medicine/Bellevue Hospital Center, New York, New York, USA
  1. Correspondence to Deborah A Levine
    New York University School of Medicine/Bellevue Hospital Center, 27th St and First Avenue, NY 10016, USA; mlevine336{at}

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Commentary on:


Antiemetic use is common in children. The majority of paediatric practitioners prescribe antiemetics for intractable vomiting due to gastroenteritis.1 ,2 Though gastroenteritis is self-limited, vomiting is unpleasant and may lead to dehydration and hospitalisation. The review by Fedorowicz et al evaluated the clinical effects and adverse events of antiemetics in the setting of gastroenteritis.


This is an update of a review done initially in 2005, 2006 and 2008. The review includes randomised controlled studies of children aged less than 18 years, who received antiemetics orally, intravenously or rectally for vomiting as a result of gastroenteritis. The primary outcome of the review was the time from first administration of the treatment until cessation of vomiting. The secondary outcomes were parenteral satisfaction, number of patients requiring hospitalisation or intravenous rehydration during an emergency department …

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