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Criticisms of the VAPOUR trial in a recent commentary are unsubstantiated and incorrect
  1. William Clark1,
  2. Paul Bird2,
  3. Terry Diamond2,
  4. Peter Gonski3,
  5. Elizabeth Barnes4,
  6. Val Gebski4
  1. 1 Interventional Radiology, St George Private Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  2. 2 Univsersity of New South Wales, St George and Sutherland Clinical School, Kogarah, New South Wales, Australia
  3. 3 University of New South Wales - Randwick Campus, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Randwick, New South Wales, Australia
  4. 4 University of Sydney - Camperdown and Darlington Campus, NHMRC Clinical Trials Centre, New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
  1. Correspondence to William Clark, St George Private Hospital Interventional Radiology, 1 South Street, Sydney, New South Wales, 2217, Australia; williamxrayclark{at}

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We are concerned by commentary1 about the VAPOUR trial2 written by authors of two previous masked vertebroplasty trials.3 4 Having participated in the larger of these trials, INVEST,3 we adopted similar trial methodology in VAPOUR but restricted patient inclusion criteria to fractures <6 weeks duration causing severe pain (table 1).

View this table:
Table 1

Comparison of inclusion criteria, baseline fracture duration and NRS pain measures, baseline hospitalisation status prior to enrolment, placebo and masking analysis, crossover and primary endpoints in the three masked vertebroplasty trials that have been published

The commentary speculates that …

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