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Randomised controlled trial
Ezetimibe provides incremental reduction in risk for cardiovascular events and need for revascularisation following an acute coronary syndrome
  1. Peter P Toth
  1. Department of Preventive Cardiology, CGH Medical Center, Sterling, Illinois, USA
  1. Correspondence to : Dr Peter P Toth, Department of Preventive Cardiology, CGH Medical Center, 101 East Miller Rd, Sterling, IL 61081, USA; Peter.toth{at}

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Use of statin therapy to treat dyslipidemia in patients with established coronary artery disease is the standard of care worldwide. Given the negative results of a number of trials that tested the use of adjuvant lipid-lowering therapies against a statin background, there has been great scepticism about whether or not non-statin drugs provide incremental benefit.1–3 Ezetimibe inhibits the absorption of both dietary and biliary cholesterol by inhibiting Niemann Pick C1 Like-1 protein.4 Ezetimibe has been the target of much criticism. Based on the ENHANCE trial,5 it appeared to lack efficacy …

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  • Competing interests PPT is a consultant for Amgen, AstraZeneca, Kowa, Merck and Novartis. PPT is also involved in speaker's bureau activities for Amarin, AstraZeneca, Genzyme, GSK, Kowa and Merck.

  • Provenance and peer review Commissioned; internally peer reviewed.