SAMI v routine care for gestational diabetes at birth to hospital discharge*

Perinatal and maternal outcomesSAMIRoutine careRRR (95% CI)NNT (CI)
Any serious perinatal complication†1%4%68% (29 to 86)34 (19 to 98)
*SAMI = screening and active management intervention. Other abbreviations defined in glossary; RRR, RRI, NNT, NNH, and CI calculated from data in article.
†SAMI = 7/506; routine care = 23/524. Deaths (0% v 1%), shoulder dystocia (1.4% v 3%), bone fracture (0% v 0.2%), and nerve palsy (0 v 0.6%).
Admission to neonatal nursery71%61%15% (5 to 26)11 (7 to 29)
Induction of labour39%29%31% (10 to 56)11 (7 to 31)