Interventions in the first 5 years of life to prevent asthma and allergic disease at 5 years of age*

InterventionsOutcomesActiveControlRRR/RRI (95% CI)NNT/NNH
*NS  =  not significant. Other abbreviations defined in glossary; RRR, RRI, and CI calculated from relative risks in article.
House dust mite avoidanceAsthma21%23%RRR 10% (−24 to 35)NS
Cough16%19%RRR 13% (−27 to 40)NS
Rhinitis43%40%RRI 8% (−12 to 33)NS
Eczema26%18%RRI 39% (0 to 93)NS
Dietary fatty acid modificationAsthma23%20%RRI 13% (−18 to 57)NS
Cough21%14%RRI 42% (−3 to 109)NS
Rhinitis42%41%RRI 1% (−17 to 25)NS
Eczema20%24%RRR 15% (−17 to 39)NS