Teen Reach smoking cessation intervention v diet intervention (control) for smoking abstinence in adolescents*

Baseline smoking statusFollow upEvent ratesRBI (95% CI)NNT (CI)
*Abbreviations defined in glossary; RBI, NNT, and CI calculated from control event rate and odds ratio (CI) in article. Based on total n = 2524 with multiple imputation for missing values.
All participants1 year77% v 73%6.1% (2 to 10)23 (14 to 67)
2 years73% v 69%6.2% (1 to 11)24 (14 to 158)
Smokers (smoked in previous 30 d)1 year33% v 23%38% (4 to 77)12 (6 to 114)
2 years30% v 21%39% (2 to 84)13 (6 to 304)
Non-smokers1 year91% v 88%3.4% (0.1 to 6)34 (20 to 949)
2 years86% v 83%3.5% (0.5 to 7)Not significant