Infliximab (inflix) for Crohn’s disease (CD)*

Patient groupOutcomesNumber of patientsDoseInflixPlaceboRBI (95% CI)NNT (CI)
Fistulising CD≥ 50% closure at 18 weeks945 mg, 10 mg62%26%140% (37 to 363)3 (2 to 7)
Treatment-Response at 4 weeks1085 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg65%16%307% (84 to 928)3 (2 to 4)
resistant CDResponse at 12 weeks1085 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg41%12%241% (31 to 908)3 (2 to 12)
Response at 12 weeks1085 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg24%8.0%201% (–10 to 10)Not significant
Repeat dosesSingle dose
*Abbreviations defined in glossary; RBI, NNT, and CI calculated from data in article. †Interim data reported from a 102-week ongoing trial of maintenance infliximab.
Response at 30 weeks†3355 mg, 10 mg v 5 mg55%27%102% (48 to 183)4 (3 to 6)
Response at 30 weeks†3355 mg, 10 mg v 5 mg42%21%100% (37 to 199)5 (4 to 10)