Oral anticoagulants (OAs) v control treatment in patients with established coronary artery disease*

OutcomesOA intensity and comparisonOAsControlOdds reduction (95% CI)NNT (CI)
High v control20.3%30.1% 43% (37 to 49)10 (9 to 12)
Moderate v control31.3%33.7% 16% (−34 to 20)Not significant
Death, MI, or strokeHigh or moderate v aspirin11.3%12.6% 4% (−34 to 20)Not significant
Odds increase (CI)NNH (CI)
*Abbreviations defined in glossary; NNTs and NNHs calculated from data in article. Follow up data not available.
†Approximate value calculated assuming a control event rate of 0.1%.
High v control 4.6%0.7%600% (440 to 820) 30 (21 to 44)
Moderate v control 3.5% 0%770% (330 to 1760)151 (42 to 437)†
Major bleedingHigh or moderate v aspirin 3.7%1.0% 1.4% (0.6 to 2.6) 74 (40 to 170)