Erythromycin (Ery), co-amoxiclav (Co-amx), and combined treatments v placebo (Pl) for the composite outcome measure of death, chronic lung disease, or major cerebral abnormality in neonates of women who had pPROM*

ComparisonEvent ratesRRR (95% CI)NNT
*pPROM = preterm, prelabour rupture of fetal membranes. Other abbreviations defined in glossary; RRR, NNT, and CI calculated from data in article.
Ery v Pl12.7% v 15.2%16.4% (−2.0 to 31.5)Not significant
Co-amx v Pl13.5% v 15.2%10.9% (−8.2 to 26.7)Not significant
Combined v Pl14.0% v 15.2% 7.5% (−12.2 to 23.7)Not significant