Mefloquine (Mef) v placebo (Pl) or other prophylaxis (Other) in adult travellers not immune to malarial infection†

OutcomesComparisonEvent ratesRRR (95% CI)NNT (CI)
Malaria (1 study)Mef v Pl0% v 77%100% (93 to 100)2 (2 to 2)
Weighted event ratesRRI (CI)NNH (CI)
†A fixed effects model was used. Abbreviations defined in glossary; RRR, RRI, NNT, NNH, and CI calculated from data in article.
WithdrawalMef v Pl 4.3% v 1.2%238% (62 to 603)33 (21 to 72)
FatigueMef v Other 7.9% v 5.3% 50% (0 to 125)39 (20 to 1000)
InsomniaMef v Other14.7% v 9.5% 55% (15 to 108)20 (12 to 56)