The effectiveness of cervical smear collection devices†

OutcomesHeterogeneityComparisonWeighted proportionsRBI (95% CI)NNS (CI)
†Ayre's = Ayre's spatula; BB = Baynebrush; CB = Cervexbrush; Cy = Cytobrush; Ext tip = extended tip spatula; NNS = number needed to screen; NS = not significant; Sp = spatula; Sw = swab. Other abbreviations defined in glossary; RBI, NNS, and CI calculated from data in article.
Endocervical cellsp<0.001Ext tip v Ayre's 66% v 46%50% (30 to 73) 6 (4 to 8)
NSSp + Cy v BB 92% v 90% 2% (1 to 4)46 (30 to 102)
p<0.001Sp + Cy v Sp100% v 87%17% (10 to 23) 8 (6 to 12)
p<0.001Sp + Cy v Sp + Sw 95% v 79%24% (14 to 35) 7 (5 to 11)
p<0.001Sp + Cy v CB 94% v 89% 5% (2 to 9)21 (14 to 49)
Adequate smearsNSSp + Cy v CB 97% v 96% 1% (1 to 2)83 (56 to 159)
Dyskaryotic cellsp<0.001Ext tip v Ayre's 10% v 8%17% (7 to 27)50 (28 to 270)