Smooth muscle relaxants v placebo for irritable bowel syndrome (trial duration 3 d to 24 wks)*

Unweighted event rates
ImprovementsDrugNumber of studiesDrugPlacebo RBI (95% CI)NNT (CI)
*Abbreviations defined in glossary; RBI, NNT, and CI calculated from data in article.
GlobalAll2256%38%49% (37 to 61)6 (5 to 8)
Mebeverine452%37%47% (9 to 84)4 (6 to 31)
Cimetropium560%40%63% (29 to 92)4 (3 to 9)
Trimebutine453%24%98% (63 to 117)5 (4 to 7)
Otilonium397%34%60% (33 to 87)5 (4 to 9)
Hyoscine353%42%26% (7 to 124)10 (2 to 32)
PainAll1153%41%30% (16 to 45)9 (6 to 16)
Otilium347%29%62% (30 to 96)7 (4 to 12)
Cimetropium187%27%198% (81 to 253)2 (2 to 5)
DistentionAll644%35%26% (6 to 46)12 (7 to 46)