Improvement at 8 months for cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), guided support (GS), and control treatment (C) in the chronic fatigue syndrome‡

OutcomesComparisonImprovementRBI (95% CI)NNT (CI)
‡CIS = checklist individual strength. Other abbreviations defined in glossary; RBI, NNT, and CI calculated from data in article.
CIS fatigue severityCBT v GS33% v 13%160% (38 to 402)5 (4 to 14)
CBT v C33% v 13%154% (35 to 389)6 (4 to 15)
Self rated improvement in fatigueCBT v GS57% v 17%236% (99 to 489)3 (2 to 5)
CBT v C57% v 30% 93% (31 to 189)4 (3 to 9)