Complementary and alternative medicine treatments for menopausal symptoms*

TreatmentNumber of RCTsLength of follow upResults for menopausal symptoms
*EPO = evening primrose oil; RCT = randomised controlled trial.
Black cohosh42–6 months3 RCTs showed no difference between black cohosh and control
Red clover23; 7.5 monthsNo difference between red clover and placebo
Dong quai16 monthsNo difference between dong quai and placebo
EPO16 monthsPlacebo better than EPO for hot flashes
Ginseng14 monthsNo difference between ginseng and placebo
Chinese herbal formula13 monthsNo difference between the Chinese herbal formula and placebo
Soy and soy extracts116–28 weeks6 RCTs showed some difference in hot flashes (eg, severity, frequency, or symptom score)
Vitamin E23 years; 4 weeks1 RCT (3 y) showed no difference; 1 showed clinically insignificant benefit
Wild yam cream13 monthsNo difference between wild yam cream and placebo