Interventions for preventing falls in unselected community dwelling elderly people (U) or in community dwelling elderly people with a history of falls or fall risk factors (R)*

Outcomes at ≥ 44 weeksGroupComparisonWeighted event ratesRRR (95% CI)NNT (CI)
*AFMI = assessment followed by multifactorial intervention; MSB = muscle strengthening and balance retaining; NPF = number of people falling; NSIF = number sustaining a fall with injury. Other abbreviations defined in glossary; RRR, NNT, and CI calculated from data in article using a fixed effects model.
NPFRMSB v control36% v 45%20% (2 to 36)12 (6 to 100)
UAFMI v control24% v 33%27% (14 to 37)12 (8 to 23)
RAFMI v control45% v 57%21% (6 to 33) 9 (6 to 28)
NSIFRMSB v control22% v 33%33% (11 to 49)10 (6 to 32)