Continuation of antidepressant therapy v placebo for depressive disorder*

Weighted event rates
OutcomesAntidepressantsPlaceboRRR (95% CI)NNT (CI)
*Abbreviations defined in glossary; weighted event rates, RRR, NNT, and CI calculated from data in article.
Overall rate of relapse at 6–36 months (32 studies)11%41%57% (48 to 64)4 (3 to 6)
First recurrences at various time intervals after randomisation (6 studies):
    0–12 months18%60%65% (52 to 75)3 (2 to 4)
    12–36 months15%29%66% (35 to 82)8 (4 to 33)
    0–36 months22%51%65% (54 to 74)4 (3 to 7)