Risk of gastrointestinal malignancy in persons with iron deficiency (ID) and ID anaemia (IDA)

Group and comparisonPercentageRelative risk (95% CI)*
*Control = patients without ID or IDA; CI defined in glossary.
Men and postmenopausal women
with ID v control1% v 0.2%5.0 (1.0 to 21)
with IDA v control6% v 0.2%31 (9 to 107)
Age ≥50 years
with ID v control1.3% v 0.3%5.0 (1.1 to 21)
with IDA v control6% v 0.3%22 (6 to 78)
Age ≥65 years
with ID v control2.3% v 0.4%6.0 (1.3 to 26)
with IDA v control9% v 0.4%24 (7 to 81)