Table 1

Cost-effectiveness of colorectal cancer screening as reported in selected articles*

“Bottom Line” (cost per life-year gained, 1998 dollars) (reference)†
Interventions comparedSonnenberg (4)Frazier (5)Vijan(6)
*FOBT = fecal occult blood test; FS = flexible sigmoidoscopy.
†Baseline compliance: Sonnenberg 100%, Frazier 60%, Vijan 75%.
‡Dominates means that the second procedure listed was more costly and less effective than the first procedure.
§FOBT plus flexible sigmoidoscopy is more expensive and more effective than colonoscopy.
Annual FOBT v no screening$9705$12 667$7756
FS every 5 years v no screening$36 509$12 571$14 668
Colonoscopy v no screening$10 983$20 418$7019
Colonoscopy v annual FOBT$11 382$76 552$6243
Colonoscopy v FS every 5 yearsDominates‡$52 903Dominates‡
Colonoscopy v FS every 5 years plus annual FOBTNot available$561§$332 630§