Likelihood ratios for GABHS pharyngitis according to derivation v validation*

ScoreLR+Percentage of patients with GABHS pharyngitis (95% CI)
*Abbreviations defined in glossary.
Derivation (original scoring)
−10 to 00.165% (0 to 12)
1 to 101.1226% (13 to 41)
11 to 201.2528% (14 to 45)
21 to 309.7775% (48 to 93)
31 to 409.7475% (19 to 99)
Validation (simplified scoring)
−10.165% (0 to 12)
00.6216% (7 to 30)
12.6144% (28 to 62)
24.2557% (29 to 82)
316.2383% (36 to 100)