Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) v placebo for depression in children*

SSRIOutcomes at ⩽12 weeks (number of studies)Event ratesRRR (95% CI)NNT (CI)
*AE  =  adverse events; NS  =  not significant. Other abbreviations defined in glossary.†Includes unpublished data. ‡Studies combined using random effects model; fixed effects model used for all others. §Data supplied by author. ¶Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor.
FluoxetineSerious AE (1)0.9% v 3.6%75% (−122 to 97)NS
Weighted RRI (CI) NNH (CI)
Suicide attempt (1)†2.4% v 1.9%26% (−64 to 340)NS
Discontinuation (2)‡5.7% v 6.3%19% (−82 to 685)NS
ParoxetineSerious AE (2)12% v 4.4%155% (23 to 430)15 (8 to 50)
Suicide attempt/ideation (2)3.7% v 2.5%51% (−38 to 269)NS
Discontinuation (1)9.7% v 6.9%40% (−48 to 278)NS
SertralineSerious AE (2)3.7% v 3.3%14% (−61 to 232)NS
Suicide attempt/ideation (2)2.6% v 1.1%143% (−52 to 1139)NS
Discontinuation (2)9.0% v 2.7%236% (27 to 793)17 (9 to 50)§
CitalopramSuicide attempt (2)7.1% v 3.6%99% (−17 to 377)NS
Treatment emergent AE (2)79% v 70%13% (1 to 27)12 (6 to 100)
Discontinuation (2)8.6% v 7.1%20% (−38 to 135)NS
Venlafaxine¶Suicide related events (2)7.7% v 0.6%1277% (83 to 10261)15 (10 to 34)
Discontinuation (2)10% v 3.0%246% (30 to 821)15 (9 to 50)