Table 1

Test procedures of included studies

McMurray’sApley’sJoint line tendernessThessaly
Akseki et al29No specific details given, original test referenced16No specific details given
Corea et al67No specific details given, original test referenced16
Eren30Performed at 90° flexion. No definition of ‘tenderness’ for positive test
Galli et al31Original text referred to, cited in Malanga et al10Original text referred to, cited in Malanga et al.10 Does not include a definition of ‘tenderness’ for positive test
Karachalios et al11No specific details given, original test referenced,16 plus ‘Clinical examination of the knee’ referenced19No specific details given, referenced to Tria in ‘Clinical examination of the knee’19No specific details given, but Tria in ‘Clinical examination of the knee’ referenced19Details: Patient's hands held while they single leg stand and twist their body and rotate their knee internally and externally×3. In 5° and 20°. Positive=pain, locking or catching
Konan et al53No specific details given, original test referenced16No test description, nor referencedDescription given similar to that given by Karachalios et al11
Manzotti et al68Description given, in line with original test. But not detailing how far to extend the knee. Original test also referenced16
Mirzatolooei et al69No test description, nor referencedNo test description, nor referencedNo description given, but referenced to Karachalios et al11
Rinonapoli et al21Description given, in line with original test. But not detailing how far to extend the knee. Original test also referenced16Description given, in line with original test. But not detailing which way to rotate the knee. Original test also referenced18