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BNP and amino terminal proBNP assays did not differ for detecting congestive heart failure in the emergency department

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 Q In emergency department (ED) patients with dyspnoea, how do B type natriuretic peptide (BNP) concentrations compare with amino terminal proBNP (NT-proBNP) concentrations for detecting congestive heart failure (CHF)?

Clinical impact ratings Internal medicine ★★★★★★★ Emergency medicine ★★★★★☆☆ Cardiology ★★★★★★☆


Embedded ImageDesign:

blinded comparison of BNP and NT-proBNP concentrations with a comfirmatory diagnosis of CHF based on the Framingham criteria after reviewing patient medical records.

Embedded ImageSetting:

a hospital in Linz, Austria.

Embedded ImagePatients:

251 ED patients (mean age 73 y, 93% men) who had shortness of breath as the most prominent symptom. Patients with acute coronary syndromes were excluded.

Embedded ImageDescription of tests:

BNP and NT-proBNT concentrations in plasma were measured by the AxSYM BNP assay (Abbott Laboratories, Abbot Park, IL, USA) and the Elecsys NT-proBNP test (Roche Diagnositics), respectively.

Embedded ImageDiagnostic standard:

blinded …

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  • For correspondence: Dr M Haltmayer, Konventhospital Barmherzige Brueder, Linz, Austria.

  • Source of funding: in part, Upper Austrian Government.