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Physiotherapy for tennis elbow
  1. Bill Vicenzino, BPhty, Grad Dip Sports Phty, MSC, PhD Leanne Bisset, BPhty, MPhty (Musculoskeletal + Sports)
  1. School of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland
 St Lucia, Queensland, Australia

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    Procedures used in Bisset L, Beller E, Jull G, et al. Mobilisation with movement and exercise, corticosteroid injection, or wait and see for tennis elbow: randomised trial. BMJ 2006;333:939.

    We used 8 physiotherapy sessions of 30 minutes each, consisting of mobilisation with movements (MWM) and exercise,1 which were applied in order to address key physical impairments of lateral epicondylitis (LE) that cause reduced functional ability in day to day living (ie, lateral elbow pain and reduced capacity to grip without pain).


    The 2 MWM techniques primarily used were the lateral glide of the elbow (LAT) and posterio-anterior glide of the radiohumeral joint (PA). MWM are a family of techniques with a common theme,2 which is the application of a joint glide (mobilisation) that is sustained during the performance of an active …

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