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Review: quadruple therapies appear to be more effective than triple therapies for single-drug–resistant H pylori

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L Fischbach

Dr L Fischbach, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA;



what is the effect of drug resistance on therapies for Helicobacter pylori infection? Which therapies are most effective for eradicating nitroimidazole (NTM)- or clarithromycin (CTM)-resistant H pylori?

Data sources:

Medline (to February 2007) and bibliographies of relevant reviews.

Study selection and assessment:

English- or Spanish-language studies evaluating triple or quadruple therapies for eradicating H pylori in patients who were either all sensitive or all resistant to CTM or NTM. Studies had to include ⩾4 patients per treatment group with H pylori infection at baseline. Studies of monotherapy or dual therapies were excluded. 93 randomised controlled trials (RCTs) (n = 10 178) met the selection criteria; 68% of treatment groups came from RCTs, 67% of patients …

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  • Source of funding:no external funding.