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Letter: Viewing JUPITOR with a clear perspective
  1. Cyrus R Kumana,
  2. Hung Fat Tse,
  3. C P Lau
  1. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

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    The findings of the JUPITOR study1 that was terminated prematurely after a median follow-up of 1.9 years are impressive but should be viewed in the perspective of results from other major clinical trials with statins. As previously described,2 we calculated corresponding crude event rates (table) from this and other published clinical trials with statins. JUPITOR reported the effects of rosuvastatin, 20 mg/day, in a trial of 17 802 participants with C-reactive protein concentrations ⩾ 2mg/l and a median age of 66 years. For the primary end point (a composite of 5 events occurring for the first time), the relative risk (RR) …

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