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John Oldroyd, MPH, PhD

Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Greer DM (editor). Acute ischemic stroke: an evidence-based approach. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Liss, 2007.

Acute ischemic stroke: an evidence-based approach can be obtained from for £83.50.

This resource is a 235-page hardback book written by 22 clinicians and academics mainly from North America (16 from Massachusetts General Hospital). Its 10 chapters follow a logical sequence from the history of stroke through to clinical acute stroke imaging and treatment of stroke. The book refers to landmark studies in stroke care, although it does not appraise their quality. There is good use of graphics.

This well-written book aims to provide up-to-date evidence for the care of patients with acute stroke. It provides clinically useful answers that are accessible. It is most …

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