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Ever since its correlation with gastritis was discovered by Warren and Marshall in 1983,1 clinicians have been intrigued by the possible association of symptomatology with Helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach. Epidemiologic studies have shown that the disease starts in early childhood, and as such, may be causative of abdominal pain, gassiness and satiety. As the number of patients infected, particularly in developing countries is vast, many without symptoms or are silent, inputting a causative role for gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms is difficult to prove in adults, and even harder in children.
Spee and colleagues have performed a systematic literature review of the current published evidence for a relationship between GI symptoms and H pylori infection in children. It is a comprehensive search of both English and non-English publications from 1966 to mid 2009. The search is non-biased and has strict selection criteria for inclusions to ensure that the children with relevant comorbidities are excluded. The data sources and search was thorough, and rigorous criteria were used to select …
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