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54 The story behind drug trade names; a deeper insight into the pharmaceutical market
  1. Yasmin Elsobky1,2,3
  1. 1El-Galaa Military Medical Complex, Cairo, Egypt
  2. 2High Institute for Public Heath, Alexandria, Egypt
  3. 3NAPHS Consultancy, Alexandria, Egypt


Objectives Drug nomenclature is an international system that helps in identifying the drugs. Trade names often reflect a characteristic of the drug or a relationship that will be of useful value for the users. The aim of this study is to find a relation between drug trade names and the reasons of their naming. Moreover, it aims to predict patters that classify drug naming patterns.

Method Cross sectional study on the drugs available in the Egyptian market from May 2017 until October 2018.

The sources of drug trade names obtained from Atlas-2 book, Avi-cenna software and Dawaa mobile application which contain all the drugs that are found in the Egyptian market. A Google search was also conducted to find out the word origin, history or stories behind some of the trade names as well as visiting the pharmaceutical companies’ websites.

Results According to the analysis of the trade names, the following patterns ware observed: Drugs named according to chemical structure as Tylenol ®(n-aceTYL-para-amino-phENOL); stereochemistry Dextrose ® DEXTRorotatory sugar (-OSE), Levocar ®(LEVOdopa, CARbidopa); company’s name Ciprobay ® denotes CIPROfloxacin and BAYar company name); drug action No-Uric ®, Losec ®(LOw SECreation) Eliquis®(excellent liquidity); the disease state Allergex ®, Allergyl ® improve ALLERGY symptoms; pharmacological class Anti Cox II®; special population Centrum KIDS ®, Otrivin BABY ®, Vitamount-for-MEN ®; site of administration VISIne ® (vision), OPTIcure ®, PhotoDERM ®; dosage form as Enemacort ® (ENEMA CORTisone), Folicap ®(FOLIc acid CAPsules); dose regimen and duration Cefobid ® (CEPHalosporin BID-twice daily), Lasix ® it’s effect LAst for SIX hours, Slow K ® is a SLOW release potassium(K), Novorapid ® reflects short and Rapid acting insulin; drug history or story Nystatin ® was named after the New York(NY) STATE, while warfarin ® is an acronym for Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation(W.A.R.F). Trade names affected by brand name as Glimaryl ® affected by Amaryl ® while Marivanil ® affected by Marivan ®.

Conclusions The research highlights 12 observed patterns used in pharmaceutical trade naming. Implementation of these methods will help the students, pharmacists and health care providers to become more aware of the message that the drug trade name delivers.

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