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179 Evidence-based medicine teaching in medical schools in the eastern mediterranean region (EMR)
  1. Ranin Soliman1,2,
  2. Reham Khedr3,4,
  3. Hanafy Hafez3,4,
  4. Manal Zamzam3,4,
  5. Alaa Elhaddad3,5,
  6. Carl Heneghan6
  1. 1Department for Continuing Education, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
  2. 2Health Economics and Value Unit, Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357 – Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
  3. 3Department of Pediatric Oncology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
  4. 4Department of Continuous Education, Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357 – Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
  5. 5Department of Pediatric Oncology, Children’s Cancer Hospital 57357 – Egypt Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
  6. 6Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, Centre for Evidence Based Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK


Objectives To determine current status of evidence-based medicine (EBM) teaching in medical schools in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR), and make recommendations for improvements in EBM educational infrastructure in medical schools in the region.

Method We developed a modified version of a published survey instrument to assess EBM teaching on the undergraduate and post-graduate levels in medical schools in the EMR. The adapted surveys will be piloted with several medical schools, revised, then sent by email to school deans, department chairs, or full-time faculty members to complete the surveys and provide outline of their EBM curriculum. To increase the response rate, follow-up emails will be sent to non-responders two weeks after the first email. We shall offer a second round of survey administration and/or personally contact the remaining non-respondents. Survey sections include the availability of taught EBM course(s), content and topics covered, format of teaching, persons involved in teaching, problems and future plans. The study was approved by the institutional Scientific Medical Advisory Committee (SMAC).

Results The online surveys will be sent to medical schools in countries in the EMR region including; Egypt, Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates. Minimum response rate accepted is 30-40% of total number of medical schools included. Study results will be available for presentation at the conference.

Conclusions Determining the current situation of EBM teaching in medical schools in the MENA region will help make recommendations to address any challenges in EBM teaching and inform the strategies of medical schools in the region regarding EBM training and teaching.

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