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Correction: Drug discovery today: no molecules required

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Panchin AY, Khromov-Borisov NN, Dueva EV. Drug discovery today: no molecules required. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine 2019;24:48–52. doi: 10.1136/bmjebm-2018-111121.

An addition to the Conflict of interest statement has been made: ‘Khromov-Borisov NN was a defendant in a defamation lawsuit brought by Materia Medica (June 28, 2018), which was resolved with a ‘peace treaty’. Panchin AY and Khromov-Borisov NN are members of the Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Pseudoscience, a scientific advisory body of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and not a structural unit of Russian Academy of Sciences (, Panchin AY is a member of the board of the Evolution Fund ( These are non-profit organisations with no financial interests in the matter.’

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