Test characteristics of the Papanicolaou (Pap) and wet mount smears for detecting vaginal trichomoniasis*

Type of smearNumber of comparisonsStudy quality†Weighted mean sensitivity (95% CI)Weighted mean specificity (CI)+LR−LR
*Abbreviations defined in glossary. LRs calculated from data in article.
†Level I=high quality; level III=low quality.
‡Statistically significant heterogeneity is present.
Pap7All studies58% (43 to 73)97% (95 to 100)19.30.4
3Level I57% (51 to 63)97% (93 to 100)‡19.00.4
3Level II49% (18 to 80)99% (97 to 100)‡49.00.5
1Level III89% (79 to 98)88% (71 to 100)7.40.1
Wet mount31All studies68% (62 to 74)99.9% (99.8 to 100)6800.3
12Level I58% (51 to 66)‡99.8% (99.5 to 100)‡2900.4
15Level II72% (62 to 81)‡100% (100)0.3
4Level III82% (67 to 97)‡100% (100)0.2