Unsuccessful rates for cognitive and behavioural interventions for child defecation disorders*

ComparisonsFollow upWeighted event ratesRRI (95% CI)NNH (CI)
Conv + biofeed v conv12 months52% v 45%16% (–4 to 40)Not significant
18 months52% v 46%15% (–11 to 48)Not significant
Biofeed + lax v biofeed12 weeks91% v 56%†63% (16 to 149)3 (2 to 10)
12 months91% v 64%†43% (5.3 to 108)4 (3 to 28)
*Biofeed = biofeedback; B-mod = behavioural modifications; conv = conventional treatment (laxatives, dietary advice, and toilet training); lax = laxatives. Other abbreviations defined in glossary; RRI, RRR, NNH, NNT, and CI calculated from data in article. †Event rates not weighted.
B-mod + lax v B-mod 6 months43% v 60%28% (5 to 46)6 (4 to 28)
12 months36% v 51%30% (3 to 49)7 (4 to 48)
B-mod + lax v laxNot reported15% v 55%†73% (36 to 90)3 (2 to 7)