Lipid lowering drugs (LLDs) v placebo for decrease of coronary artery disease (CAD) events and mortality and all cause mortality in patients with no history of CAD*

Unweighted event rates
Outcomes at median 5 yearsLLDsPlaceboRRR (95% CI) weightedNNT (CI) weighted
*Abbreviations defined in glossary; RRR, NNT, and CI calculated from data provided by the author.
CAD events in all 4 studies4.2%5.8%28% (19 to 36)69 (49 to 120)
CAD events in 2 statin studies3.5%5.2%33% (21 to 43)69 (49 to 120)
CAD mortality in all 4 studies0.9%1.2%25% (2 to 43)Not significant
CAD mortality in 2 statin studies0.7%1%27% (−5 to 49)Not significant
All cause mortality in all 4 studies2.8%3.1% 8% (−7 to 21)Not significant
All cause mortality in 2 statin studies2.8%3.2%12% (−6 to 28)Not significant