Occurrence of endoscopic ulcers in patients receiving misoprostol (miso), standard or double dose H2 receptor antagonist (st-H2RA or dd-H2RA), or proton pump inhibitor (PPI) treatments for ≥3 months compared with placebo (pl) during non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use*

ComparisonsUlcerWeighted event ratesRRR (95% CI)NNT (CI)†
*Abbreviations defined in glossary; RRR, NNT, and CI calculated from data in article using a fixed effects model.
†Calculated for endoscopic, not clinical, outcomes.
Miso v plGastric 2.5% v 12.9%75% (67 to 82)10 (9 to 12)
Duodenal 2.6% v 6.1%54% (34 to 69)29 (20 to 53)
st-H2RA v plDuodenal11.5% v 25.9%64% (26 to 82)29 (17 to 84)
dd-H2RA v plGastric 2.0% v 5.5%56% (26 to 74) 7 (5 to 17)
Duodenal 3.4% v 13.6%74% (35 to 89)10 (7 to 25)
PPI v plGastric 6.6% v 19.6%61% (45 to 73) 8 (6 to 13)
Duodenal 1.7% v 10.3%81% (60 to 91)12 (9 to 20)