Surgery and antibiotics v antibiotics alone in children with vesicoureteric reflux*

OutcomesNumber of RCTsWeighted event ratesRRR (95% CI)NNT (CI)
*RCTs  =  randomised controlled trials; UTI  =  urinary tract infection. Other abbreviations defined in glossary; RRR, RRI, NNT, NNH, and CI calculated from data in article.
Febrile UTI at 5 years29.4% v 22%57% (30 to 73)8 (6 to 18)
UTI at 4–5 years336% v 37%1% (−26 to 21)Not significant
UTI at 1–2 years425% v 20%6% (−45 to 104)Not significant
Renal parenchymal injury at 2 years260% v 26%80% (−83 to 1768)Not significant
Renal parenchymal injury at 5 years344% v 41%5% (–15 to 29)Not significant