TableĀ 6

Hill-Sachs lesion (articles used after exclusion criteria: 22)

First authorJournalDescription of eponym (s/d)
Ozaki15Am J Sports MedNotch located at the posterolateral aspect of the humeral head (s)
Patel62Orthop Clin North AmCompression fracture of the posterolateral aspect of the humeral head (s)
Zhu24Eur J Orthop Surg TraumatolPosterolateral humeral head compression fracture (s)
Argintar25Knee Surg Sports Traumatol ArthroscBony defect between posterior edge of the bicipital groove and the plane between the inferior margin of the infraspinatus tendon and the superior margin of the teres minor (s)
Gyftopoulos63Am J RoentgenolImpaction of the posterosuperior margin of the humeral head (s)
Omori64Am J Sports MedUndefined
Wolf26J Shoulder Elbow SurgBone lesions of the posterior humeral head (s)
Agneskirchner65Oper Orthop TraumatolHumeral bone loss (d)
Grimberg27Knee Surg Sports Traumatol ArthroscOsseous defects at the humeral head level (d)
Streubel28J Am Acad Orthop SurgPosteromedial impaction of the humeral head (d)
Chan67J Surg Orthop AdvUndefined
Mohtadi68J Bone Joint Surg AmUndefined
Aslani69Arch Bone Jt SurgBone defect in the posterolateral side of the humeral head (s)
Di Giacomo70Curr Rev Musculoskelet MedBone loss of the proximal humerus (d)
Witney-Lagen29J Shoulder Elbow SurgUndefined
Magee71Skeletal RadiolUndefined
Omi72ArthroscopyPosterolateral humeral head defects (s)
Horst31Br J RadiolImpression fracture on the posterior humeral head (s)
Di Giacomo73ArthroscopyBone loss of the proximal humerus (d)
Guity32Med J Islam Repub IranCompression fracture of the posterolateral side of the humeral head (s)
  • d, divergent; s, similar.