TableĀ 3

Bristow-Latarjet (Laterjet) procedure (articles used after exclusion criteria: 8)

First authorJournalDescription of eponym (s/d)
Sakeb34Mymensingh Med JOpen coracoid bone transfer (d)
Nourissat35Orthop Traumatol Surg ResTransferring the coracoid process, lying down or standing on the anteroinferior aspect of the glenoid, fixed with 1 screw (d)
Giles36J Bone Joint Surg AmThe Bristow procedure transfers only the tip of the coracoid, fixed with a screw. The Latarjet procedure transfers the entire horizontal pillar, fixed with 2 screws (d)
Boileau37Clin Orthop Relat ResCoracoid bone block is fixed either in the standing position with 1 screw (Bristow procedure) or in the lying position with 2 screws (Latarjet procedure) (d)
Sastre38Knee Surg Sports Traumatol ArthroscUndefined
Streubel28J Am Acad Orthop SurgLatarjet: Coracoid is osteotomised at its base and transferred so that its longitudinal axis is oriented parallel to the face of the glenoid (fixation not stated) (d) Bristow: undefined(Total scored as undefined)
de Figueireido39BMJ Case RepTechnique with grafts that are removed from the coracoid process and fixed in the anterior margin of the glenoid with 2 screws (d)
Willems40Curr Rev Musculoskelet MedUndefined
  • d, divergent; s, similar.