Table 1

Easily accessible regulators’ assessment reports of pharmaceuticals by National Competent Authority

National competent authorityName of reportContentRedactionsURL
Food and Drugs Administration—USAApproval package with Medical Officer and Statistical Officer ReportReview of the evidence for indication applied for by the manufacturerYes
European Medicines AgencyEuropean Public Assessment ReportsAssessment of the evidence for the indication applied for by the manufacturerNo
Therapeutic Goods Administration—Australia (TGA)Australian Public Assessment Reports for prescription medicinesEvaluation of a prescription medicine and the considerations that led TGA to approve or not approve a prescription medicine submission.Yes- experts’ names https:
Health Canada—CanadaSummary Basis of DecisionBrief assessment of evidence supporting indication application with milestonesNo https:
Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency—JapanReport on the Deliberation Results (in English and Japanese)Review of the evidence for the indication applied for by the manufacturerYes https: