Table 1

Numbers needed to treat and numbers needed to harm for key benefits and risks with buprenorphine implant

Outcome nameNumber needed to treat (NNT)Number needed to harm (NNH)95% CI
 Improved compliance and convenience5.00Not calculable*
 Reduced risk of illicit opioid use11.385.99 to 113.64
 Quality of life measures32.26Not calculable*
 Risk of misuse and diversionNot calculable†Not calculable†Not calculable
 Migration/missing implant100.00−250.00 to 41.67
 Clinically significant implant breakage200.00111.11 to 1000.00
 Infection at insertion/removal site12.778.13 to 30.21
 Implant-related allergic reaction14.628.93 to 40.00
  • *Data not available to calculate 95% CI.

  • †Spontaneous reporting data only; data not available to calculate NNT or NNH.