Table 3

Use of the different forms of SDM in encounters with and without the use of a conversation aid intervention

Form of SDMNot using a within-encounter conversation aid (n=31)Using a within-encounter conversation aid (n=69)Total
Weighing alternatives12 (24%)51 (35%)63 (32%)
Negotiating conflicting desires17 (34%)43 (29%)60 (31%)
Solving problematic situations20 (40%)49 (34%)69 (35%)
Developing existential insight1 (2%)3 (2%)4 (2%)
Total50 (100%)146 (100%)196 (100%)
  • Numbers represent the amount of occurrences (counts (%)) of a particular form of SDM in a total of 100 encounters (without conversation aid: n=31, with conversation aid: n=69). P value 0.51 (Fisher’s exact test).

  • SDM, shared decision-making.