Table 1

Input parameters used for the ICER adjustment methods

Simple adjustment (payer’s perspective)
 ICERo (<12 years old)−344 673 971−4 190 565ICER report
 ICERo (≥12 years old)−806 100 255−9 800 611ICER report
Simple adjustment parameters (societal perspective)
 ICERo (<12 years old)360 754 7634 386 076ICER report
 ICERo (≥12 years old)838 631 93610 196 133ICER report
Cost parameters
  PA (drug price in India) for 30 mg/mL
  (as of 19 April 2023)
58 900Manufacturer (Roche Medical Information)
  Po (drug price in USA) for 30 mg/mL
  (as of 19 April 2023)
  PA (drug price in India) for 150 mg/mL
  (as of 19 April 2023)
294 392Manufacturer (Roche Medical Information)
  Po (drug price in USA) for 150 mg/mL
  (as of 19 April 23)
1 409 36917
Cost parameters for moderate adjustment
 Cost of EMI per vial (30 mg/mL)58 900Manufacturer (Roche Medical Information)
 Mean dose per kilogram body weight (mg/kg) per month6Expert opinion
 Mean weight of patients on prophylaxis (kg), 2–5 years12Expert opinion
 Mean weight of patients on prophylaxis (kg), 6–10 years25Expert opinion
 Mean weight of patients on prophylaxis (kg), 6–10 years44Expert opinion
 Mean duration of treatment (in months) (Mi)420Expert opinion
 Cost of BPA per vial (500 IU)80 000Expert opinion
 Mean duration of patients on FEIBA (Factor eight inhibitor bypass activity) regimen (in months) (Mc)300Expert opinion
 Dose per kilogram body weight (IU)500Expert opinion
 Frequency of administration (per day)2Expert opinion
 Approximate number of bleeding episodes per month2Expert opinion
Complex adjustment
 PPP GDP for study country (USA)59 915World Bank data
 PPP GDP for study country (India)6112.0World Bank data
 Consumer Price Index (CPI) for health in India for current year (2023)183.4MOSPI, Government of India
 CPI for health in India for publication year (2018)135.2MOSPI, Government of India
 Life expectancy from birth in study country (USA)78.54World Bank data
 Life expectancy from birth in India70.47World Bank data
 Reduction in life expectancy (in years)10Expert opinion
 Life expectancy from disease in study country (2017)68.54Calculated
 Life expectancy from disease in India (2017)60.47Calculated
Health system perspective
 Emicizumab prophylaxis (≥12 years old)19 221 932ICER report
 No prophylaxis (≥12 years old)28 135 154ICER report
 Emicizumab prophylaxis (<12 years old)20 683 787ICER report
 No prophylaxis (<12 years old)31 012 935ICER report
Societal perspective
 Emicizumab prophylaxis (≥12 years old)19 623 275ICER report
 No prophylaxis (≥12 years old)28 901 756ICER report
 Emicizumab prophylaxis (<12 years old)21 212 892ICER report
 No prophylaxis (<12 years old)31 695 614ICER report
Study-reported QALYs (2017)
 Emicizumab prophylaxis (≥12 years old)15.41ICER report
 No prophylaxis (≥12 years old)14.5ICER report
 Emicizumab prophylaxis (<12 years old)22.79ICER report
 No prophylaxis (<12 years old)20.4ICER report
  • BPA, bypassing agent; EMI, emicizumab; GDP, gross domestic product; ICER, incremental cost-effectiveness ratio; PPP, purchasing power parity; QALY, quality-adjusted life year.