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6Ts teaching tips for evidence-based practitioners
  1. Deborah Cook, MD, MSc(Epid)1,
  2. Jan Figurski, MLIS, CAE2,
  3. Rakesh Patel3,
  4. Jorge Burneo, MD, MSPH4,
  5. Sandra Langlands, MLS5,
  6. Sheri Keitz, MD6
  1. 1McMaster University
 Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
  2. 2Baycrest Health Centre
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  3. 3University of Ottawa
 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  4. 4University of Western Ontario
 London, Ontario, Canada
  5. 5University of Toronto
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  6. 6Duke University and Durham VA Medical Center
 Durham, North Carolina, USA

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    At the June 2005 McMaster Evidence-Based Practice Workshop, our group, led by librarian Jan Figurski and tutor trainee Rakesh Patel, developed a very useful teaching tool for our tutorials. We called it the 4Ts Teaching Tips. After such initial success, the rest of us further developed the tool into the 6Ts Teaching Tips at the June 2006 Workshop. The overall objective of this tool is to provide a touchstone to both plan and evaluate a teaching session.

    (1) The first T stands for Time management. A critical appraisal exercise or any teaching session requires careful planning about topics to be covered in a specified period of time. The first T also reminds teachers about leaving time for evaluation …

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