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Review: restricted dietary salt intake can reduce blood pressure but does not reduce death or cardiovascular morbidity

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 QUESTION: In people with normal and elevated blood pressure (BP), does a reduction in dietary salt decrease blood pressure, death, or cardiovascular events?

Data sources

Studies were identified by searching the Cochrane Library, Medline, and EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; reviewing bibliographies or relevant studies; and contacting authors.

Study selection

2 reviewers independently selected randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared interventions designed to reduce salt intake with placebo or no active intervention in adults (≥16 y) with normal or high BP. Institutionalised, acutely ill, or pregnant people were excluded.

Data extraction

2 reviewers independently assessed the quality of RCTs (randomisation method, allocation concealment, blinding, and losses to follow up) and extracted data on patient characteristics, interventions and type of controls, …

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  • Source of funding: North West Research and Development Training Fellowship.

  • For correspondence: Ms L Hooper, University Dental Hospital of Manchester, Manchester, UK. lee.hooper{at}